Small font
Sep 8, 2024 | David | Verified Buyer
Response from Vistaprint Customer Care Team:
We're glad to hear that your Standard Business Cards turned out great. However, we're sorry that the font selection was quite small and unreadable on the design when it was printed. Although, we truly understand that from the product preview, it looks okay. However, the preview only shows how your design will look once it is produced. In addition, the design template height is only 2.12 in x 3.62 in width, and it was an uploaded image and due to the format of your artwork details, the design area was not utilized. With this, we highly recommend that you update your artwork and consider the size of your details relative to the size of the product once it is produced. For future orders, if you need any additional help before completing your order, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.